The Harvard International Review (HIR) is a quarterly print journal and website of international relations, with content contributed by the world's leading experts as well as staff writers. The HIR features under-appreciated topics in the international affairs discourse and novel perspectives on more widely discussed topics.
The publication is a source of critical analysis, distinguishing itself from other publications by serving as a forum for academic debate, applying theory to case studies, analyzing historical trends, and making informed predictions.
The HIR has readership spanning six continents and can be found at newsstands and major bookstores. The HIR has featured contributions from a number of established scholars and policymakers from around the world, including Nelson Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi, Jeffrey Sachs, Paul Krugman, Condoleezza Rice, Amartya Sen, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Ban Ki-Moon, Benazir Bhutto, Al Gore, Kofi Annan, and The Dalai Lama.
Notable alumni of the undergraduate staff include Philip A. Brimmer, Bernard Hebda, Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty, Simpsons writer Jeff Martin, Marc Rotenberg, Phillip Steck, and David Laibson.